On the Rocks, In the Land

[2013, Pitzer College Art Galleries, Claremont, California, includes 15’34 video, 3’39 excerpt below, with artist zine (ed. of 100)]

On the Rocks, In the Land analyzes the role of the “tourist-observer,” within contemporary “conflict zones.” The work incorporates experiences of and around the peace lines of Belfast, the Berlin Wall, the stonewalls of New England, the US-Mexican border in Ciudad Juárez, the separation barrier in the West Bank, the Near West Side neighborhoods of Detroit, and the Occupy Wall Street movement. An early component of the work, Dusty Bluebells Belfast, was featured in Contested Territories, curated by Miguel Amado for Dorsky Gallery, New York (2012-13).

On the Rocks, In the Land (artist zine), interview with curator Ciara Ennis and artist Danielle Adair, Pitzer College Art Galleries, 2014, ed. of 100. [front cover, pgs. 9-10, pgs. 11-12, back cover]

Images credit: Sean MacGillivray.