Three Portraits of Performers
Three Portraits of Performers is a suite of three video-performances based on specific performance artists’ museum exhibitions held in New York City spring 2010, and in so it inhabits the role of “witness.” The work incorporates the voices of a number of artists, practicing in different cities internationally.
(1) The Way of Progress, 2010, video, 5’16 minutes.
The Way of Progress is a performance of a loose transcription from an experience of artist Tino Sehgal’s piece “This Progress” (Guggenheim Museum, New York, March 2010). Sehgal stipulates that his art pieces are not to be documented in any way. This piece has screened as part of the ArcheTime: Interdisciplinary Festival, the Eternal Telethon (Machine Project, Los Angeles), and its sound script is in print from the journal [out of nothing].
(2) My Heart Archives, 2011, video, 5’30, color and audio. [video still]
My Heart Archives refers to Christian Boltanski’s “Archives du Coeur” and incorporates the voices of three artists, working in Los Angeles, USA, Bretagne, France, and in Taipei, Taiwan, simultaneously.
(3) Match Strategy, 2011, video, 5’38, color and audio. [video still]
Match Strategy cites Marina Abramovic’s “The Artist Is Present.” In conversation with four artists based in Los Angeles, the question, ‘How would you choose to meet or break the stare of Abramovic?’ is posed.